Carp Angling
All aspects of modern carp angling covered, from small commercial fisheries, to huge gravel pits.

Schools and Group Angling
I have a group of experienced coaches available to cater for larger groups
Growing up in Kent I have been fortunate to have a wealth of Carp angling right on my doorstep. Over many years I have spent a great deal of time in their pursuit. I landed my first 30lb carp in 1987 and have gone on to have now caught just short of 100 over 30lb with two UK 40s and Carp in France to 55lb
I enter the British Carp Angling Championships (BCAC) and the UK Carp Cup and have reached the semi finals in both events. I am a member of the British Carp Study Group (BCSG)
Bank side safety
Fish location
Swim selection
Feature finding
Casting techniques
Baiting methods
Tackle selection
Rig selection
Rig making
Fish welfare
Weighing techniques
Fish photography
During the session you will be making various rigs using top quality end tackle which you will get to keep
1. Angling equipment can be provided if required for one to one day sessions only, not for two or more anglers.
2. For 24 hour tutorials you will need to provide your own Bivvy, Bedchair, Sleeping bag, cooking and catering equipment.
3. You will be shown how to prepare Bankside meals, i hold a level 2 in food safety.